Wednesday 20 July 2011

I like the rain :]

Its official I have a cold <.<  I wanted to see Mika today but I cant because I now have a cold so no visit for me this week... which is okay, I wouldn't want her to get sicker because of me.. but my other Friend L gave her a kiss and a hug from me ^__^ just wish I could give it to her in person...

I spent yesterday playing video games and watching movies with my male Friend Ry he is such a sweetie, a rare gem of the male gender.. too bad he doesn't swing my way xD finished re-reading Harry potter and the philosopher stone after Ry went home chambers here I come ^__^.

I spent today out shopping with L it was nice catching up with her and hearing how Mika is, a little update on Mika she has lost almost all her hair due to the chemo but she is still as cheerful and bright as ever according to L which is good to hear :)  

My Intake


small portion of four cheeses pasta- 92.1cals
Afternoon snack:
2 crackers with cheese- 120cals
chicken wrap-293cals
Total: 505cals
just under 2hour walk-533cals
Left over: minus 28cals

Afternoon snack:
katsu chicken sushi-325cals
diet coke-ocals
chicken wrap-293cals
orange juice-110cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over:18cals
Comment Replies 
@S.- thanks for the suggestion, I do like cooking, I think they might like that ill have to suggest that to my parents next time :] xxx

Thanks for reading,
                       Lots of love Anna<3

Monday 18 July 2011

Happier :)

Today was a lot more better than yesterday, I cringe thinking about the thoughts going through my head yesterday it was like a muddled blur of horribleness but I'm glad its out fluttering in the wind not distorting my mind.

I spent most of today helping my mum around the house, we talked a lot about a whole range of things from problems, news, my friends, life, gossip, opinions and past memories (mostly to do with my brother when he was younger). I love my mum she is one of the most funniest caring strongest ladies I know.. I love my dad too he is as stubborn as a mule and very blunt about things but I wouldn't want another dad for the world no matter how much we argue on things... ^__^

Most of the conversation with my mum was about my older brother moving out sometime later this year - early next year.. I miss him already.. He is my big brother and my best/closest Friend I'm going to miss our stupid, hyper, loud, cheerful, craziness we usually share when we hang out together and all our inside sibling only jokes and so much more.. but I knew this was going to happen eventually I just didn't realise how soon it would be... (oh and my mums not forcing him out this is my brother own decision encase that how its seems in print form)
My Intake

half 2minute noodles-69.5cals
a quarter a hot chocolate-52.5cals
two oreo-120cals
Chips with some salad-213cals
half a small glass of coke-35cals
4 squares of chocolate-112cals
Total: 620cals
cleaning- 732cals
Left over: minus 112cals

That's pretty much it other than I think I'm developing a cold again
thanks for reading,
                   lots of love Anna <3

Failure..(contains some bad thoughts)

 Today can only be described as a failure... I ate way too much fatty, greasy,sugary foods... my mum and dad offered to cook me lunch today I agreed to it.. they made me 2 beef burgers, 1 fried egg, a hand full of fried mushroom slices and 3 slices of baguette with butter... I really don't like eating fried food that often but I don't like wasting food either.. I ate everything but a baguette slice I felt really horrible after eating it all. to make matters worse I ended up binging on chocolate in the afternoon.. on top of that its that time of the finish what can only be described as a  horrible day off my dad made me fried chicken and potatoes for dinner...I hate today, I hate this body so much, I hate being a girl, I hate cramps and I hate food.. I hate it all so much... I wont further this train of thought

I don't like talking negatively or about my ed, I hate voicing these thoughts to people I don't like making people feel sad... I like playing a facade of cheerfulness because then people aren't sad, I'm not the type of person who shows negative emotions no matter how I am feeling inside I will always strive to smile and act carefree no matter what I may be feeling.. but don't get me wrong most of the time I am a happy optimistic person its just when it gets too uncontrollable it turns into a facade of lies on the outside that not a lot of people that are close to me see through..

Moving on to a more positive note about my day.. I watched the movie Easy A today it really surprised me I thought it would be another typical high school film but it turned out to be actually worth watching. The parents are a right laugh. I love Olive, shes quite an intriguing girl. Miranda (and clique) kind of surprised me I've never seen religious extremists used as an enemy clique in a high school flick before xD  definitely a movie I recommend watching.

pleases excuse me for voicing these negative thoughts today, this time of the month really has a negative influence on my mood that and when I cant control what I'm eating.. so yea sorry for being a bit negative.. I wont post my intake today cause I don't want to think about the number of calories I ate today..

so thank you for reading, I hope you all had a much better day than me ^__^
 lots of love from Anna<3<3  

PS- I do like being a girl!, just not when its that time of the month <.<

Saturday 16 July 2011

Living in a Harry potter bubble

I pretty much spent Thursday and Friday in what can only be described as living in a Harry Potter bubble xD. I spent both those days reading and watching Harry Potter related things on the internet such as:

-J.K. Rowling and Trios speech from the UK premier (my freind and I fell asleep so we missed the final part of the primer)

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' Press Conference London (very entertaining)

Among other things (mugglenet, J.K.Rowling official site, etc...).I cant wait for pottermore to come out already :].

I spent Thursday afternoon reading Harry potter and the Philosopher stone, I plan to re-read all the books now that the film saga is over. Friday I finished watching BBC Robin Hood, the ending is so sad... and today I spent the morning playing Fallout 3 and then the afternoon watching Durarara!!. which to say the least is another crazy but interesting Anime with a very intriguing story and some funny overly exaggerated character to go along with it ^__^.

My Intake

2minute noodles chicken-278cals
 mask potatoes-111cals
orange juice-110cals
Total: 499cals
just over a hour long run-710cals
Left over: minus 210cals

2minute noodles chicken-
2 small chicken Kievs-
light 2 hour walk-366csld
Left over: minus 33cals

weet bix and milk-364cals
 a Fuji apple-80cals
Afternoon snack:
2 Oreo biscuits-120cals
a chicken drumstick-140cals
2 hash browns-195cals
small glass of coke-70cals
Total: 969cals
brisk 2 hour walk-710cals
Left over:259cals
thanks for reading,
                  lots of love Anna<3 

almost missed seeing the midnight showing xD

Tuesday, my best freind S needed to buy her tickets for the midnight showing so we both went to the cinema at around 11am. When  we got to the counter S was very lucky to get one of the final tickets, the only problem was that S was in a different cinema to the rest of the group so I changed tickets so she wouldn't be alone. that's when we discovered that the showing was Tuesday midnight not Wednesday midnight xD so lucky we went in on tuesday..

So my friends and I decided to get dress up as different characters from the book for the showing such as Tonks, Harry, Ginny ,Luna and Draco (I dressed up as Draco). When we got there my freind who was dressed up as Harry saw only a glimpse of me coming up the stairs and just came running up to me with her arms wide open screaming Draco Malfoy~!! at the top of her lungs.  I had no idea who she was until she calmed down from being an overly excited fangirl ^__^ she then told me I make a very convincing boy xD

The movie was enjoyable, yes they had skipped a lot of the book but it was still a wonderful ending to the movie saga. I do wish they kept the epilogue the same as the book you only really see a glimpse of the other children which kinda annoyed me there are other things I could mention more but that would be spoiling it for other people so I wont.

My freind who dress up as Harry did not enjoy it, she was not remotely pleased with the way they skipped a lot of the book... My only recommendation to those that have read the books is to see this final movie as a separate entity from the books that way you will enjoy it a lot more...than my freind Harry did she was in a silent rage by the end of the film o_O (very scary sight to see coming from someone dressed as Harry potter after witnessing the wrath of Harry Potter in said film)

My intake

small yoghurt-70cals
KFC chips-272cals
half KFC crusher-124.5cals
Chicken katsu sushi-325cals
Total: 792cals
5 hours walking around aimlessly with friends- 1775cals
Left over: minus 983cals

vanilla cupcakes-140cals
small portion of seasoned chips-33cals
2 party pies-116cals
four cheeses pasta-230cals
small glass of sunkist-47.5cals
Total: 337cals
2 hour walk- 710cals
Left over:minus 373cals

thanks for reading,
                lots of love Anna<3

Comment Replies

@S- I hope you enjoy watching the final movie, when ever you get the chance to see it ^__^, thanks for your support :] xx

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Monday happiness :D

Today was a lovely day, I was able to buy one of the last tickets to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2 for the midnight screening ^__^ this really made my day :] there was a prominent bounce in my step after that. I am so glad I thought I wouldn't be able to get them... I would still have went to the normal screening times, but I really wanted to see the final movie at midnight because every other movie  I wasn't able to make it for the midnight screening.... I'm so happy :]

My Intake

Pumpkin soup-95cals
Afternoon snack:
hot chocolate- 120cals
4 small slices of roast pork with gravy-143cals
roast potatos-90cals
steamed veggies- 60cals
small glass of orange juice-65cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 202cals

its sad to think that Wednesday night it will all come to an end, I'm sad but excited to see how the final movie depicts the last moments of the book. I know they have screwed up a lot in regards to certain parts of the books but I still would like to see the final movie any ways. its hard for me to comprehend that in just one more day,10 years of my life will come to an end in just one final movie...

pleases excuse the over dramatics of this post, Harry Potter is one of my all time favourite books and I'm just a bit excited and sad at the same time that its all ending...

thanks for reading,
          lots of love Anna<3 

Sunday 10 July 2011

I have internet ^__^

Hi guys, sorry for the lack of posts this week, the land line was down in our area for what ever reason which meant no internet for a week while they fixed the problem but it is back and running now :)

Tuesday I spent the day cleaning out my work room which is a very big job I have been dreading to do every since the begin of the holidays. It really was one huge mess of fabric, card, paint and everything else you can think of that can land on the floor or all over tables/chairs/etc.. While I was sorting through said mess I heard a really loud screeching sound from the front of my house. you can probably guess what happened, two cars had hit each other going round the round about next to our house. so I told my dad and he checked then went an called the police. the people are okay but the cars are both total wreaks. a lot of people speed up coming pass our house so it was bound to happen at one point or another but its quite lucky that no other car got involved in the accident, as one of the cars was completely blocking the road...
Tuesday Intake
roll with meat- 219cal
Afternoon snack:
2 minute noodles-278cals
half a diet coke-0cals
4 party pies-232cals
1 small sausage roll-260cals
half a diet coke-0
Total: 1099cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 1746cals

Wednesday again was spent cleaning up the work room as yea got a little off track after the accident...  My best male freind B came by for a visit I've missed hanging out with him so much, the last time we saw each other was three months ago. It was nice that he came round to see me he missed me two, we chatted and played video games for most of the afternoon :]

Wednesday Intake
burger with cheese onion tomato sauce white bread-394cal
orange juice-110cals
home made mash potatoes-111cals
glass of coke-70cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 664cals
Thursday I was shifting through a box of art books I found yesterday at the back of the work room, it was quite interesting to find that I still had art books from when I was 6 years old. God those drawings were so awful comparing to what you thought of them as a child xD it was nice looking back thought all the art books and seeing how far Ive come drawing wise.
 Thursday Intake
2minute noodles-
glass of oj-
small portion of chicken Kiev-
glass of oj-
4 slices of pizza-
glass of coke-
Total: 1687cals
4 hour walk - 1431cals
Left over: 254cals

Friday was my older brothers 29th birthday so he had a couple of mates over and we had a fish and chips with chocolate cake for dessert. I made my sibling a card with a chocobo from Final fantasy series on it and bought him some new business shirts for his work. after that my freind S came round with her laptop and wireless adaptor so we could geek out and watch the Harry potter premier live on youtube xD yea we are cool like that :3
Friday Intake
left over pizza-786cals
Afternoon snack:
large hot chocolate-210cals
chicken wrap-293cals
Total: 1289ca;s
3 hour walk-1065cals
Left over:224cals

Saturday I went out for coffee with my aunty, her mother and her two girls. It was a nice occasion her little girls are spoiled rotten the oldest. G who is 10 kept interrupting conversions at the table and asking for a mobile phone every couple of minutes. My aunty had enough so she went and bought her one. only to be asked in Sanity (music and DVD store) could she have these two Justin brier cds at $40aud. seriously her mum just spent $94aud on a phone now she wants cds. the little one wasn't much better but all she really wanted was ice-cream as little kids do, overall it was a nice afternoon

Saturday Intake
small portion of chips-120cals
2 chicken kebabs-225cals
glass of oj-110cals
Total: 455cals
3 hour walk- 1065cals
Left over: minus 610cals 

Sunday was spent catching up on facebook, blogs and other places of the internet until midday which is when my family went down to my aunt's for lunch. spent the rest of the afternoon playing with my little cousins and watching some movie I don't know the name of with my older cousins that had a lot of mindless destruction and blood a lot of blood.
 Sunday Intake
2 hamburger patties-280cals
2 slices of multigrain bread-220cals
a slice of cheese-113cals
red onions-15cals
tomato sauce-15cals
small portion of roast chicken-120cals
2 hashbrowns-260cals
glass of oj-110cals
playing with kids-323cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over:221cals
lots of love,