Thursday 9 June 2011

i feel like a bloody Psychologist at the moment....

Yesterday two friends of mine got into a stupid fight, (let’s call them B and k) K was annoyed because B didn't hug them when they greeted each other, K didn’t say anything until B was on her way to my house. She sent her an angry text asking why B didn’t hug her when they bumped into each other. So B sent her a reply along the lines of "you told me you didn't like been hugged, I would have hugged you if you asked...” so K got even angrier because she disagrees with that statement. So now there friendship is in ruins over of all things not receiving a hug.

Now to explain why I feel like a Psychologist because of this, due to the fact that K has chronic depression (diagnosed when she for 13). I've known K since we were small children so I understand a lot of her mood swings and random burst of anger. B has only really been close to her for half a year and I do not think B realised that K has depression or no one has told her. So I had to explain to her that although she is pushing her away, it’s in relation to her depression it’s not  exactly what she really wants and when she calms down and rationally thinks about this K may realise that it’s not worth destroying a friendship over. People do make mistakes this is a part of life, so I had to cheer B up and explain to her, what depression actually is and what its effects on moods and so forth are so that she may understand next time what is really going on when she starts getting angry/annoyed or suddenly switches to extremely happy in 5 seconds flat.

After which K pretty much took her anger out on me, after I asked how her day was. but that's okay I know she was just venting at me, not actually angry at me. she knows ill listen to her and try to help her with any problems she may be having. So yea that’s why I feel like a Psychologist at the moment...I know way too much about mental disorders...

Yesterday ended with one of my close friends Mika been diagnosed with childhood leukaemia at 16, we all kind of knew in the back of our minds this was coming but it was still quite a shock to actually know what was making her so sick and tired for such a long time. Especially after just last year with another girl we both knew and were close to, Bec died from the same turmoil illness at 15, she didn't even make it to her 16th birthday. Mika will be starting chemo this weekend. At the moment the cancer is not life threatening but that can change... I just pray it doesn't, I really don’t want to lose her as well...

today she decided to cut her gorgeous long hair, short as it will fall out over time with the chemo... it makes me so sick and angry that kids younger than me are dying from horrible illnesses, abuse etc.. I just wish this would stop happening only last year Bec died I don’t want to lose another friend to cancer it’s just wrong they are both so young it’s just not right....

ill post an update on my intake and such later I'm just not in the mood to do so at the moment...
thanks for reading,
          lots of love Anna<3

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, I use to babysit an 8 ur old boy who had leukemia. He is such a sweetie
