Saturday 16 July 2011

almost missed seeing the midnight showing xD

Tuesday, my best freind S needed to buy her tickets for the midnight showing so we both went to the cinema at around 11am. When  we got to the counter S was very lucky to get one of the final tickets, the only problem was that S was in a different cinema to the rest of the group so I changed tickets so she wouldn't be alone. that's when we discovered that the showing was Tuesday midnight not Wednesday midnight xD so lucky we went in on tuesday..

So my friends and I decided to get dress up as different characters from the book for the showing such as Tonks, Harry, Ginny ,Luna and Draco (I dressed up as Draco). When we got there my freind who was dressed up as Harry saw only a glimpse of me coming up the stairs and just came running up to me with her arms wide open screaming Draco Malfoy~!! at the top of her lungs.  I had no idea who she was until she calmed down from being an overly excited fangirl ^__^ she then told me I make a very convincing boy xD

The movie was enjoyable, yes they had skipped a lot of the book but it was still a wonderful ending to the movie saga. I do wish they kept the epilogue the same as the book you only really see a glimpse of the other children which kinda annoyed me there are other things I could mention more but that would be spoiling it for other people so I wont.

My freind who dress up as Harry did not enjoy it, she was not remotely pleased with the way they skipped a lot of the book... My only recommendation to those that have read the books is to see this final movie as a separate entity from the books that way you will enjoy it a lot more...than my freind Harry did she was in a silent rage by the end of the film o_O (very scary sight to see coming from someone dressed as Harry potter after witnessing the wrath of Harry Potter in said film)

My intake

small yoghurt-70cals
KFC chips-272cals
half KFC crusher-124.5cals
Chicken katsu sushi-325cals
Total: 792cals
5 hours walking around aimlessly with friends- 1775cals
Left over: minus 983cals

vanilla cupcakes-140cals
small portion of seasoned chips-33cals
2 party pies-116cals
four cheeses pasta-230cals
small glass of sunkist-47.5cals
Total: 337cals
2 hour walk- 710cals
Left over:minus 373cals

thanks for reading,
                lots of love Anna<3

Comment Replies

@S- I hope you enjoy watching the final movie, when ever you get the chance to see it ^__^, thanks for your support :] xx

1 comment:

  1. oooh i definately enjoyed it :) the differences did annoy me a bit, but i managed to see it as you said - seperate from the book. although they only had to add tiny little bits to make it so much more like the book! haha. still loved it though :)

    great intakes :)
