Sunday 10 July 2011

I have internet ^__^

Hi guys, sorry for the lack of posts this week, the land line was down in our area for what ever reason which meant no internet for a week while they fixed the problem but it is back and running now :)

Tuesday I spent the day cleaning out my work room which is a very big job I have been dreading to do every since the begin of the holidays. It really was one huge mess of fabric, card, paint and everything else you can think of that can land on the floor or all over tables/chairs/etc.. While I was sorting through said mess I heard a really loud screeching sound from the front of my house. you can probably guess what happened, two cars had hit each other going round the round about next to our house. so I told my dad and he checked then went an called the police. the people are okay but the cars are both total wreaks. a lot of people speed up coming pass our house so it was bound to happen at one point or another but its quite lucky that no other car got involved in the accident, as one of the cars was completely blocking the road...
Tuesday Intake
roll with meat- 219cal
Afternoon snack:
2 minute noodles-278cals
half a diet coke-0cals
4 party pies-232cals
1 small sausage roll-260cals
half a diet coke-0
Total: 1099cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 1746cals

Wednesday again was spent cleaning up the work room as yea got a little off track after the accident...  My best male freind B came by for a visit I've missed hanging out with him so much, the last time we saw each other was three months ago. It was nice that he came round to see me he missed me two, we chatted and played video games for most of the afternoon :]

Wednesday Intake
burger with cheese onion tomato sauce white bread-394cal
orange juice-110cals
home made mash potatoes-111cals
glass of coke-70cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 664cals
Thursday I was shifting through a box of art books I found yesterday at the back of the work room, it was quite interesting to find that I still had art books from when I was 6 years old. God those drawings were so awful comparing to what you thought of them as a child xD it was nice looking back thought all the art books and seeing how far Ive come drawing wise.
 Thursday Intake
2minute noodles-
glass of oj-
small portion of chicken Kiev-
glass of oj-
4 slices of pizza-
glass of coke-
Total: 1687cals
4 hour walk - 1431cals
Left over: 254cals

Friday was my older brothers 29th birthday so he had a couple of mates over and we had a fish and chips with chocolate cake for dessert. I made my sibling a card with a chocobo from Final fantasy series on it and bought him some new business shirts for his work. after that my freind S came round with her laptop and wireless adaptor so we could geek out and watch the Harry potter premier live on youtube xD yea we are cool like that :3
Friday Intake
left over pizza-786cals
Afternoon snack:
large hot chocolate-210cals
chicken wrap-293cals
Total: 1289ca;s
3 hour walk-1065cals
Left over:224cals

Saturday I went out for coffee with my aunty, her mother and her two girls. It was a nice occasion her little girls are spoiled rotten the oldest. G who is 10 kept interrupting conversions at the table and asking for a mobile phone every couple of minutes. My aunty had enough so she went and bought her one. only to be asked in Sanity (music and DVD store) could she have these two Justin brier cds at $40aud. seriously her mum just spent $94aud on a phone now she wants cds. the little one wasn't much better but all she really wanted was ice-cream as little kids do, overall it was a nice afternoon

Saturday Intake
small portion of chips-120cals
2 chicken kebabs-225cals
glass of oj-110cals
Total: 455cals
3 hour walk- 1065cals
Left over: minus 610cals 

Sunday was spent catching up on facebook, blogs and other places of the internet until midday which is when my family went down to my aunt's for lunch. spent the rest of the afternoon playing with my little cousins and watching some movie I don't know the name of with my older cousins that had a lot of mindless destruction and blood a lot of blood.
 Sunday Intake
2 hamburger patties-280cals
2 slices of multigrain bread-220cals
a slice of cheese-113cals
red onions-15cals
tomato sauce-15cals
small portion of roast chicken-120cals
2 hashbrowns-260cals
glass of oj-110cals
playing with kids-323cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over:221cals
lots of love,

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