Tuesday 12 July 2011

Monday happiness :D

Today was a lovely day, I was able to buy one of the last tickets to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2 for the midnight screening ^__^ this really made my day :] there was a prominent bounce in my step after that. I am so glad I thought I wouldn't be able to get them... I would still have went to the normal screening times, but I really wanted to see the final movie at midnight because every other movie  I wasn't able to make it for the midnight screening.... I'm so happy :]

My Intake

Pumpkin soup-95cals
Afternoon snack:
hot chocolate- 120cals
4 small slices of roast pork with gravy-143cals
roast potatos-90cals
steamed veggies- 60cals
small glass of orange juice-65cals
2 hour walk-710cals
Left over: minus 202cals

its sad to think that Wednesday night it will all come to an end, I'm sad but excited to see how the final movie depicts the last moments of the book. I know they have screwed up a lot in regards to certain parts of the books but I still would like to see the final movie any ways. its hard for me to comprehend that in just one more day,10 years of my life will come to an end in just one final movie...

pleases excuse the over dramatics of this post, Harry Potter is one of my all time favourite books and I'm just a bit excited and sad at the same time that its all ending...

thanks for reading,
          lots of love Anna<3 

1 comment:

  1. omg, i'm completely the same with harry potter! i loooove it! i gre up with it- its going to be so sad when its all over!
    i got so excited when i saw the trailer in the cinema - my boyfriend said he has never seen me that excited about anything ever, haha.
    im already annoyed that theyve changed bits, but i think it will still be awesome, and i cant wait :)
    *nerdy bit over :)* great intake :)
