Monday 4 July 2011

First Week of Mid-year Break

Monday Tuesday I was sick with a cold so I slept most the time, Wednesday I was still a bit ill but was well enough to go to a mate’s birthday party and dance the night away. Thursday was spent cleaning up my room and putting things I no longer want into bags for the op shop (I think the U.S call it a good will store?). Friday was spent getting measurements and taking notes on a dress for an above healthy weight women. Saturday was spent playing fallout 3 and cleaning up the front room from when my mates slept over last weekend :p

Sunday I went to a Baptism, first time I've been to mass in just over two years, my family was late cause it was in the middle of nowhere, in some hall at the back of a private school. one of the helpers stopped me on the way in and asked me if I wanted to take the offering down to the front I was like eh then kind just walked off after my mum I didn't really understand him until I got to my seat then I was oh but yea it was too late for me to go back and do that so I just sat there. My new baby cousin J is the cutest little thing, they splashed holy water onto his forehead the priest said he had a look that said why are you pouring this wet stuff on my head? Followed by get it off get it off!! He stated crying after that as babies do xD.  
I should probably mention since we are talking about a religious ceremony, I don't believe in organised religion  I do believe in god but that’s as far as my beliefs go, my mum and myself are Agnostic (my dad’s an atheist and so is my older brother). I have no problem with religious people as long as they don't force their beliefs onto other people. I have gone though baptism and all that as a part of my primary school years, yea I'm a former catholic school girl xD

But anyway back to what I was saying before I got sidetracked  xD I have never seen so many young kids in such a small place before, it was all young families with children there. My family sat in front of a family with 9 kids 5 of which were sick!, if your children are sick they should be at home resting or playing video games in a pillow fort surrounded by blankets, they wouldn't understand the religious ceremony any ways so it wouldn't be a loss for them. 

The little after party was kind of weird; it was at this really nice bar/restaurant place called "The Chase". It was weird  for me because my former head of house was there as well she apparently is friends with my aunty I thought I was seeing things at first until E came up to me and said hello. The priest was there too I've never been to a religious thing where the priest comes along to the little celebration after woods it was kind of cool. 

(let’s call the priest L) L is a pretty nice guy he is 73 and has a glass eye; it fell out why he was talking to my dad and me.  which was gross but kind of cool too I have never seen what's behind the eye before in person so I was grossed and intrigued by it xD. L was like hold on and he just reach down and plopped it right back in the socket and continue talking O_o. L was asking me about my course of studies and asked me if I would be interested in making a modern twist on vestments (priest robes) I said maybe because I didn’t know  what a vestment was I thought he said investments at first xD. L wished me well with my studies and future endeavours over all L has got to be one of the most down to earth priests I have ever talked to.

I got a few compliments on the dress I was wearing it was a light purple shear dress with a tight fitted bodice and with shear flounces for the skirt. I also got compliments on my hair mainly because I haven't seen the family on my dad’s side in a year so the last time they saw me I had my natural hair colour black-brown at shoulder length so they had a surprise when I walked into to  the chapel with short violet hair xD

That’s about it I am sick today again I caught whatever those kids had <.<, I'll do a separate post for intake later,

Lots of Love,
                    Anna <3

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@S- Who doesn’t love Tim Burton movies ^__^

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