Saturday 11 June 2011

Intake and life in general

Thursday, was a lot better than the last couple of days. My lecturer loves my design she gave me  homework which is to watch the movie " The Nightmare Before Christmas", my all time favourite movie. My lecturer wants everyone in 2nd year to enter into fashion week.  I cant wait this is something I've been wanting to do since 1st year I can't believe its finally happening ^__^ I'm entering my design into the costume couture category that's the main reason I've been asked to watch my all time favourite movie :). The requirement for this category is that the garment must be based around a film/theatre/music production from any era, so Tim Burton movie marathon here I come :)

My Intake

-Breakfast: nothing
-Lunch: small wedges and sour cream -111cals
-Dinner: tiny bit of chicken and home made chips - 166cals
half a sm glass of max cola - 75cals
-Desert: (reward for finishing all my homework)
cadbury cream egg -150cals
total -502cals
up and down stairs for 30minutes -256cals
walking uphill to a mates house and back - 75cals
walking to and from uni - 279cals
left over:  minus 110cals (yay)

Breakfast: 4 weet bix with milk - 578cals
Lunch: really unhealthy take away -1360cals (major binge)
Dinner: nothing

total: 1938cals
went for a really really long 3 hour walk after the take away - 1118cals
light cleans when I eventually got home - 80cals
left over:783cals

Friday was mostly spent doing homework nothing really interesting happened, so yea...

thanks for reading,
               lots of love Anna<3

Comment Replies-
@lulu- thanks for your support, sorry to hear about the 8 year old boy you use to baby sit, hope he is doing well

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