Sunday 7 August 2011

a little bit busy

Sorry I haven't been posting recently, I'm just a tad bit caught up in a lot things at the moment and don't really have the time to post as often as I once did.

I'm currently back at uni continuing my 2nd semester of fashion  design,  I'm in my 2nd year of study so its a bit hands on. The other second years and myself are still in the process of organising our fashion parade for the end of year. I don't know if I've mentioned it or not but our theme is "Punk Cabaret" (a combination of burlesque and punk) we have to design and construct 4 outfits which consists of one show stopper and 3 full outfits. On top of that we have to so a lot of organising which consists of fund raising, sorting out models, make up/hair, finding a place to have the parade. food/drinks, music/performers/lighting and staging/seating for the parade. We are about half way through sorting out most of these things we only have left music,catering, fund raising, models and make up/hair.

I'm also currently in the processes of applying to do costume design at one of two performing arts academy's in Australia which is keeping me on my toes. I have to construct a portfolio consisting of everything I've done over the last couple of years from garments to costumes to beading/jewellery pieces to millinery work and design processes I've gone through to create each piece. Along with two 500 word essays on why I would like to study costume design and the other one on my own opinion on costumes of a recent theatre production. If I get through all that I have to go in for a panel interview with two interviewers (I hate interviews <.<). I'm going up against at least 2000 other applicants there are only 10 places at most in this course >_< but it would be so much fun if they accept me :]

other than all this my ex girlfriend is giving me a lot of trouble at the moment but I wont go in to details all you really need to know is, she is not exactly mentally sound. Ill leave that conversation for another time because I don't have the time to go into detail about the whole relationship/break up but she has helped me to work out who my real friends are during all this bs and for that I am greatful for.

I have eaten about 500-600cals today worked most it off visiting my possible future career path today with my mate K. The art academy was holding an open day today so we both met up in the city and explored the canvas together, had a lot of fun the lectures and students are really nice and helpful ^__^.

That's pretty much everything, now to get back to my homework xD I just really wanted to let you know that I havent forgottern you guys I'm just a tad bit busy at the moment ill try and post at least once a week if not once every two weeks <3
 I hope you all had a good weekend~!!
               lots of love,

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