Saturday 17 September 2011

Hi girls,
spring is here in Australia, winter gone again for another year.
I've been invited to a party in November, my ex-girlfriend is going to be attending aswell and personally I want to look way better than her. which wouldn't take much as she is obese and I am not been a bitch by that she is 155cm tall and weighs 223kg/491.63lbs. When we were dating I sometimes went with her to her doctor appointments, her doctor was getting really desperate about her losing weight that's how bad it was getting... my ex never really took what the doctor was saying seriously.

She got really angry when I agreed with her doctor over her (I didn't call her fat or anything like that I just told her I was generally scared of losing her to health complications caused by her disorder) she couldn't understand why we were both worried about her weight. its funny thinking about it we were complete polar opposites she was short/fat and I was average height/"healthy" weight in comparison the one thing we both had in common was our eds she ate too much and I ate restrictively/too little.

but anyway I've strayed pretty far away from the point which is by November:
  • I want to weight less than 60kg/132.27lbs
  • I would like my waist to be smaller.
  • I want to see a gap between my thighs
  • I want to see my ribs fully again before home cooked Italian meals were introduced to me
In relation to my ex-girlfriend I never want to go back there ever. seriously she is the definition of  crazy ass Bitch. I've met some far from sane people in my life, out of all of them she is diffidently at the top of the ladder for crazy. I'll tell you the full story another time its way to big and complicated to put into words at the moment.

My Intake this week 
12th September
total intake - 394cals
burned - 28km run, 1488cals (over did it)
left over - minus 1590cals

13th September
total intake - 617cals
burned - 2 hour walk,722cals
left over - minus 105cals

14th September
total intake:867cals
burned:2 hour walk.722cals
left over:145cals
15th September
total intake:711cals
burned: 10km jog,722cals
left over:minus 11

16th September
total intake:765cals
burned:3 hour walk,1083cals
left over:minus 318cals

17th September
total intake:683cals
burned:2 hour jog,868cals
left over:minus 185cals

I have to say I am pretty surprised that there are 10 of you now, I never really thought when I started this that any one would ever sit down and read my ramblings, Thank you for all your support and your comments :]
                    lots of love,