Monday 23 January 2012

Australian Summers and odd Revelations

 Hi Girls,
Australian summers are so irritating I dislike this time of year so much. I know funny an Australian that hates summer but honestly if you lived in Australia from december till march/late April you would know why I hate it so much. the heat just takes away all your energy all you want to do is lie on the floor under the air-con and never get up. 

which is one of the reasons I haven't been on here at all this month its too hot to do anything but i am trying, the heat is just a bit much at times. I will post a intake and exercise post later on this week I have changed my routine a bit in hope of reaching a my new goal weight but ill talk to you about that later.
-Name's Have Been Changed-

I have noticed recently that my freind Hanna and I have a really odd habit of talking about eating disorders when we are together no matter what we may be doing we always end up talking about them at one point during conversation with one another its a strange thing we do when we are together... I dont really know what that says about us but its just a strange thing I just recently notice we do.

other than that there is not a lot I can think of I need to tell you other than I kissed B on the check last week and I don't know if I have made a mistake or not by doing that but he still texts me so I dont think I have made a complete fool of myself yet..

any ways good byes for now
~Love Anna.